Who We Are
Montavilla Jazz is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of people who believe that the diverse art form known as jazz, as a tradition and a practice, is relevant and necessary to the lives of all people as a positive force for community-building and education.
Our organization represents a diverse community of jazz artists, student musicians, music lovers, neighbors, business owners, students, teachers, and administrators from within the neighborhood of Montavilla, and from a larger family of jazz supporters and practitioners far and wide, from different backgrounds, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, and sexual orientation. Montavilla Jazz brings together people who love jazz, love Montavilla, or both!
What We Do
- Build an audience for jazz where we live.
- Create space for jazz to be presented in East Portland.
- Make performances accessible by keeping prices low and providing discounts for low income families.
- Honor the jazz tradition by programming local artists at the highest level of their craft.
- Encourage risk taking, experimentation and forward thinking artistry, and the creation of new works.
- Treat artists with dignity and respect and pay a more than fair wage for performance services.
- Cultivate the next generation of Portland jazz artists through jazz education programs and performance opportunities for student musicians.
- Give residents and businesses an opportunity to make a cultural contribution to the city of Portland.
- Get neighbors involved with events and projects, provide opportunities for them to build capacity and new skills.
- Connect the Portland jazz community of musicians, jazz fans, educators, and supporters, and for the organizations that make up the Portland jazz ecosystem.
Why We Do It
- We are dedicated to ensuring the viability of the jazz art form and its preservation for future generations.
- To organize for the benefit of local artists to get them representation and support they need to make sustainable careers as jazz artists in Portland.
- The core principles of jazz including social justice, activism, individualism, and collaboration are crucial to a thriving community and can be applied locally to foster unity.
- Art is integral to a community’s well being, and many Portland residents don’t have access to affordable arts experiences.
- We have an opportunity to make our neighborhood a better place through presenting jazz.
- We want a healthy, happy, diverse, inclusive, and equitable community for all!
- Working together with local businesses and community organizations makes our community stronger and more connected.
Board of Directors
Neil Mattson—Executive Director
Marcia Hocker—Vice President
Nancy Mitchell—Secretary
Steve Mitchell—Treasurer
Kim Harrison
Katherine Sharp
Resource Council
Douglas Detrick—Substrate Arts Consulting
Darrell Grant—PSU
Fritz Hirsch—Founder
Amy Maxwell—Ticket Tomato
Pancho Savery—Reed College
George Thorn—RACC
With support from:
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
Ron & Jean Boesl
Oregon Cultural Trust
Malarkey Family Foundation
Portland Events & Film
Accelerator Design Studios, Inc.
Regional Arts & Culture Council
Metro Regional Government
Mr. Plywood
Oregon Community Foundation
Joan & Jerry Mattson
State of Oregon
Oregon Arts Commission
US Small Business Administration
James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation
Washman LLC
Katherine Mattson
Autzen Foundation
New Music USA
Montavilla Sewing Centers
City of Portland
Sami Khawaja
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Elizabeth Booher
East Glisan Pizza Lounge
Riverview Bank
Fix Auto
Truman Heartland Community Foundation
Portland State University
Randy P. Lifshotz
Douglas Detrick
Vestal Elementary
Barbara Newell
Bipartisian Cafe
Eric Busch
Joel Newman
Mt. Tabor Middle School Foundation