
In-kind Partnerships

Montavilla Jazz relies on the generous in-kind contributions of numerous businesses and organizations. If you are interested in contributing goods or services please fill out the form below.

In-kind Partnership Interest Form

  • Montavilla Jazz is currently planning and preparing for the 11th Annual Montavilla Jazz Festival and welcomes inquiries from businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring this year’s event. **Deadline for sponsor information to be included on printed materials: July 31, 2024**
  • Please select which category best describes your in-kind contribution.
  • Please describe your in-kind contribution.
  • What is the fair market value of your in-kind contribution?
    Please enter a number from 250 to 5000.
  • Which In-kind Partnership Level are you seeking?
  • Partner Information

    The information below will be used to send you a letter for tax purposes.
  • Additional Contact Info

    We will be in contact to obtain your corporate information (e.g. logo, ad). Please tell us who at your company/organization we should contact about this.

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